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The Best Books to Read About the Galapagos Before, During, and After Your Visit

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Finding some excellent Galapagos novels to increase your excitement for visiting the magical isles is the best thing to do while you’re thinking about it. It is not surprising that there have been a ton of books written and published on the Galapagos Islands given the number of scientists, researchers, academics, and wildlife enthusiasts who have visited the islands. Before venturing into the unknown, it is always advisable to have some knowledge about your location. Some of our favorite books on the Galapagos are shown here.

Cactus South Plaza Galapagos Islands

Cactus South Plaza Galapagos Islands

Our Selection of the Best Eight Galapagos Books


Reef Fish Identification: Galapagos

By Paul Humann

Genre: Field guide

The greatest companion guide for those who want to marvel at the amazing underwater life of the Galapagos Islands while snorkeling (non-snorkelers can utilize our glass-bottom boat). The book also includes information on the depths and ranges where the fish are most likely to be found, which is an extra benefit. Unquestionably essential for anybody wishing to see the Galapagos Islands’ underwater biodiversity.


Flowering Plants of the Galapagos

By Conley K. McMullen

Genre: Field guide

An introduction to Galapagos botany. With a thorough description of each species, this is an excellent introduction to the Galapagos’ flora, encompassing endemic, native, and alien plants. Provides a handy list of plants that are likely to be found in famous tourist destinations. In addition to helping readers locate particular species, the introduction offers information on the plants’ ecology. The narrative is accompanied by lovely images.


The Beak of the Finch: A Story of Evolution in Our Time

By Jonathan Weiner

Genre: Science conservation and history

Although Peter and Rosemary Grant’s field research is the main subject of the book, Weiner also provides an updated history of evolution, including Darwin’s theory up to the present day and the DNA age. The book centers on the grantees’ extensive investigation of more than 20 generations of finches.


Volcanic Galapagos Volcanico

By Theofilos Toulkeridis

Genre: Field guide

The real deal rock star! Galápagos is a geologist’s paradise, even without regard to animals. Theo simplifies and has fun with geology, especially vulcanology. This book, which has many pictures and colorful illustrations, describes the distinct geology of each island.

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” – Charles William Eliot

Keep in mind that visiting the Galapagos Islands is the greatest way to learn about them!

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The Galapagos: A Natural History

By Henry Nicholls

Genre: Natural history

An excellent book to read before going to the Galapagos Islands. It offers broad and helpful details about the islands’ geology, history, flora, and wildlife as well as conservation efforts.


Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles of the Galápagos Islands: An Identification Guide

By Andy Swash

Genre: Field guide

Excellent images in a compact, user-friendly field guide that makes it simple to identify animals across the archipelago. It includes every species of bird, animal, and reptile that a tourist may come across.


Charles Darwin Slept Here

By John Woram

Genre: Human history

A book that covers the whole history of humans in the Galapagos Islands, from A to Z. It has the ideal amount of comedy and reads like a well-researched novel.


Galapagos Basics

By Metrojourneys

Genre: Guide book

Before you travel and throughout your trip, this excellent guidebook will provide you with all the information you want on the Galapagos Islands. This e-book is the most comprehensive guide available on the Galapagos Islands, including everything from lodging options to must-see species. The finest aspect? It’s freely accessible!