Category: Galapagos Wildlife

Know more about Galapagos Wildlife and Marine Life!

Mola Mola fish
Vida salvaje en Galápagos | 4 MIN READ

Say “mola” twice if you can. The Heaviest Bony Fish on Earth, the Mola Mola, Was Seen in the Galapagos!

The whale shark is the biggest fish on the globe. This enormous fish continuously filters...
Mother sea lion fights off hawks
Vida salvaje en Galápagos | 5 MIN READ

Mother Sea Lion vs. Hawks: Maternal Instinct and a Galapagos WOW Moment (and Bonus Poem)!

This incident took place today during our visit to Santa Fe Island on Yacht Isabela...
Galapagos sea lions
Vida salvaje en Galápagos | 3 MIN READ

Free at Sea: Hanging out with a Playful Sea Lion at Gardner Bay

Gardner Bay is situated on Española Island and is often heralded as one of Galapagos?...
Mating season: Galapagos fur sea lion
Vida salvaje en Galápagos | 3 MIN READ

Head’s Up Everybody! It’s Mating Season for Galapagos Fur Seals!

It?s mating season for Galapagos fur seals! That means that you?ll be seeing plenty of...
Galapagos islands penguin
Vida salvaje en Galápagos | 3 MIN READ

Galapagos Penguin Courtship Displays: Things Are Heating Up in the Archipelago!

It is during this time of the year that Galapagos penguin courtship displays are in...
Phytoplanton is the foundation of oceanic food chain
Vida salvaje en Galápagos | 5 MIN READ

The City of a Thousand Planktons and the Galapagos Islands

In the Galapagos, there are two primary types of plankton: those that photosynthesize and those...
Galapagos humpback whale
Vida salvaje en Galápagos | 4 MIN READ

Humpback Whales in the Galapagos: Singers of the Seas

Humpback Whales In the Galapagos they aren’t an uncommon occurrence. In fact, the Galapagos and...
Lava lizards
Vida salvaje en Galápagos | 4 MIN READ

Keystone Species: The Crucial Connector in Every Food Chain

To fully comprehend the meaning of a keystone species, consider your favorite cuisine first. You...
The world's only marine iguanas are found on the Galapagos Islands
Vida salvaje en Galápagos | 4 MIN READ

Misinterpreted Beautiful Creatures or Imps of Darkness? Discovering the World’s Only Marine Iguanas

Globally Unique Marine Iguanas  Although Charles Darwin first felt marine iguanas were somewhat unattractive and...
Galapagos frigatebird
Vida salvaje en Galápagos | 3 MIN READ

Pirate-Birds: Great and Magnificent Frigatebirds

Where to Find Frigatebirds in the Galapagos You can see frigatebirds all over the islands...